of you who are interested in acquiring more back- ground information about TVism or who are having wife troubles or have a psychiatrist, doctor or coun- sellor friend interested in the subject this should be of value. The cost is $2 and there are only about 40 of them left, so if you want one better get with it.
VI. HAWAII AGAIN: I have for several years back had the idea of a book in the back of my mind but never time enough to get going on it. So this year I am going to Hawaii (again as Virginia) and to a nice quiet hotel that I spotted last year. Having done the tourist bit I wont be tempted by that and being away from home base there wont be any phones and other disturbances so maybe I can concentrate on organizing it. Two weeks to write a book is rather ridiculous but at least I should get it well outlined and organ- ized. I will be doing this during November from about the 2nd to the 21st. I will try to have the Dec. issue in the printers hands before I go or at least most of it. Probably the tail end will be held up so I can tell you about the experience in the VV column of that issue. This will make it come out about Dec. 15 so dont fret. Lucienne is going to try to keep things rolling while I'm away but she wont be as used to things as I am nor able to spend as many hours at it so there will be delays in filling orders. We will both appreciate your patience during this period but I simply have to get away from it all after the ordeal of this past year. I hope you understand.
VII. BACK ISSUES AGAIN: I know I'm always harping on this but I noticed tonite that there are only 25 more copies of TVia #12 which was Susanna's cover story and not many more of some of the other early ones. Sure as I'm alive in spite of my urgings there are going to be orders for these when they are all gone, AND THEY WILL NOT BE REPRINTED, so if you want as complete a library as is available better hop to it. Back issues - 6 for $20.